PT Angkasa Pura Solusi (APS) and PT APS Employee Cooperation as shareholders held a General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) for the establishment of a subsidiary of PT Angkasa Pura Sarana Digital (APS Digital) on Tuesday (16/7) at the Board of Directors' Meeting Room of PT APS Head Office, Terminal 3 Domestic, Level 4 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
The establishment of a subsidiary of PT APS Digital which is a development of the Digital business unit portfolio that focuses on managing airport software and Information Technology systems as stipulated in the PT APS Long Term Plan (RJPP) for 2018-2020. Digital business unit is stated as a key benefactor of services at PT APS as well as a new source of revenue that has rapid growth and expansion. This unit&rsquos income in the last two years is the second largest after the Facility Services unit.
The GMS was attended by PT APS Director of Finance and Human Resource Development Mr. Sudarto and Chairman of the Employee Cooperation Mr. Nugraha Dentista Putra as the shareholder representative and PT APS Digital President Director Mr. Ferdian Agustiana. The signing of the establishment of a subsidiary was witnessed by PT APS Acting President Director Mrs. Yundriati Erdani as Commissioner of the Company.
There are at least 5 (five) agendas discussed at the GMS, including related to the Inauguration of the Company's Management, Determination of Company Management Remuneration, Company Profile (Company Vision and Mission, Business Scope, Strategic Milestone of the Company), Determination of Work (Business) Plans and Corporate Budget (RKAP) ) in 2019, and all important matters requiring a GMS decision, such as the determination of the company logo and digital business lines that were transferred by PT Angkasa Pura Solusi to PT Angkasa Pura Sarana Digital.
PT Angkasa Pura Sarana Digital has 2 (two) portfolios which are Digital Infrastructure and Non Digital Infrastructure. The Digital Infrastructure portfolio includes Network, Service and Solution. While Non-Digital Infrastructure, consisting of Platform, Payment, and Product. By looking at business developments and strategic market potential, PT APS Digital has ambitions to become a digital infrastructure manager in the entire airport area.
The Acting President Director of PT APS Mrs. Yundriati Erdani said that in order to improve the company's performance and the quality and characteristic of service to customers, each of PT APS business portfolio would be devised to become a subsidiary. As stated in the Long Term Plan of the Company of PT APS in 2018-2020, the establishment of a subsidiary of PT Angkasa Pura Sarana Digital is scheduled to be the first to be held in 2019.
''The business scope of PT APS at this time can be said to be very broad. Therefore, strategic steps to spin off for each business unit are deemed necessary so that the management can be more focused, effective and agile. By considering business opportunities, readiness and achievements of the unit, in the future PT APS plans to restructure its portfolio to optimize growth potential, align with the parent company's strategy, and comply with regulations,'' explained Mrs. Yundri.