

Company Performance

PT. IAS Support Indonesia Held the First Leaders and Management Meeting in 2020

Jakarta - PT. IAS Support Indonesia held its inaugural Leaders and Management Meeting in 2020 on February 12th-13th at the Mercure Hotel, Jakarta. The entire Board of Directors, Executive Vice President / Vice President/Head of, General Manager and Directors of subsidiaries PT. Angkasa Pura Solusi Integra (APSI) and PT. Angkasa Pura Sarana Digital (APSD) attended the meeting.

The implementation of the Quarter 1 (Q1) Leaders and Management Meeting of PT. IAS Support Indonesia following the Leaders and Management Meeting quarter 1 (Q1) of holding company PT Integra Aviasi Solusi AP II (IAS) which was previously held in January 2020. This year, PT Integra Aviasi Solusi AP II (IAS) raised the slogan ''The Great 2020'' as a big theme for its strategic programs and policies. Through the first quarterly report card, PT. IAS Support Indonesia also formulated a series of programs that were in line with the theme announced by the parent.

''In this Q1 meeting, the Board of Directors provides an opportunity for each division to deliver strategies and work programs for the 2020 period. Thus, it is expected that there will be a synergy between units so that the targets which was set at the beginning of the year can be achieved,'' Acting President Director of PT. IAS Support Indonesia, Yundriati Erdani explained.

The results of the Q1 meeting, which contained agreements on strategic policies related to our programs, including those concerning the Key Performance Indicator (KPI), are then approved and signed by all units and the board of directors by authorizing a joint commitment.

Yundriati continued that the subsidiary is specifically required to increase its non-elimination income in 2020. One of the strategies undertaken to achieve this is by conducting market expansion.

''The non-elimination revenue target will be divided according to its portion to all business units, both for business inside and outside the airport. For businesses outside the airport, the company is trying to strengthen its brand positioning in order to be able to compete,'' he said.

The company's current non-elimination revenue comes from the Aviation Security (Avsec) personnel management business at UPBU airport, parking management in Medan, and security services in Jakarta.

In addition to market expansion, PT. IAS Support Indonesia has also implemented several business penetration programs for the existing market in order to optimize revenue. One of them is by providing value-added services. Furthermore, the company also seeks to increase brand awareness of its products and services as a tool to develop the market.

The ongoing process of programs and work policies agreed on in Q1 meeting will be closely monitored and evaluated in Q2, which is planned to be held in mid-2020.

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