
Customer Literacy

Security Checked Point at the AIrport

In any Airport in general, there would be a security check points and especially in Indonesian airports there will be two security check points where airline passengers who wish to enter a safe and secured area at the airport must show their identity in the form of an airplane ticket, while for employees, an airport pass is required.

Security Check Point (SCP) 1 is located at the boundary between public spaces and the check-in area. When you arrive at this point, you will be directed by AVSEC PLPB (Aviation Security - Traffic Passenger and Goods Officers) to walk towards Walk-Through Metal Detector (WTMD). If needed, the officer may conduct a Body Search examination.

Examining for passenger luggage will be carried out by applying an X-Ray machine. It is to make sure airline passengers do not carry items that are in the dangerous category. You can read the provisions regarding aircraft baggage here. (Tips For The First Timer Airlines Passenger (1) &ndash Baggage)

After checking in and getting a boarding pass, passengers are required to do a security check-up again at SCP 2. The location is right before entering the departure area or the Gate, a sterile waiting room.

In SCP 2, checks are more stringent. Passengers are asked to remove all items, such as jackets, belts, watches and all made of metal to be examined through an X-Ray machine. If the machine alerts a sound when a passenger passes a metal detector, the passenger will be asked to step back and be checked with Body Search method by AVSEC officers.

When things were discovered inappropriate according to the rule and regulation, AVSEC officers had the authority to ask passengers to enter a special examination room. All body parts and passenger luggage will be thoroughly inspected.

Checking passengers at airports in accordance with Director General of Air Transportation Regulation Number SKEP / 2765 / XII / 2010 concerning Procedures for Passenger Security Checks, Aircraft Personnel, and Default Goods Transported by Aircraft and Individual Persons.

In providing Service Excellent for airport service users, PT Integra Aviasi Solusi AP II as airport service manager always strives to realize the 3S + 1C aspects, namely Safety (Safety), Security (Security), Services (Services) and Compliance (Compliance with applicable rules). One form of manifestation of this aspect is through the operation of Security Check Point (SCP).

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